Monday, January 14, 2013

Going green

My Footprint!

Wow, it would take 4.4 Planet Earth's to sustain my lifestyle I currently live? That seems a bit ridiculous if I don't say so myself. There are definitely ways I can change to reduce these outputs. Before this class, my day to day life rarely considered how much i truly am using every minute. I hope to be far more aware of my energy footprint by the end of this course and setting goals for myself is a great way to begin. 

1) For one, with the largest piece of the pie being services I will attempt to reduce this to begin. I can do so by reducing my water output, energy usage, and other ways I live. The water output that I use mostly on a daily basis is from showering, washing dishes, and using the restroom. I will eliminate my water output by reducing the times we run the dish washer and attempt to wash dishes by hand, reuse our drinking glasses, and just use less dishes in general! I usually tend to shower two times a day, I don't see myself taking one shower a day due to my regular workout routine, my roommates may not like me too much...After hearing some suggestions in class, I would like to get all of my roommates to attempt to only flush the toilet when necessary! 

2) In regards to food, I have been wanting to buy more locally anyhow so this is a good time to do so. I will begin to shop at co-op's or just keep a keen eye in Fred Meyer's or Haggen's. Buying locally will keep my footprint down because the more local I buy, the less it takes to transfer and package the food that I am consuming. Becoming more prone to buying grass fed beef will also play a role this quarter rather than eating the stuff that is pumped full of all types of bad things. I will also make a modest attempt to not eat out as much as I have been because I would assume this meat that is used is not produced locally.

3) I will also make an attempt to walk to class if the weather is conducive to do so to decrease my mobility pie chart. Wa

1 comment:

  1. Ryan -- your goals are too vague -- they need to be specific and measurable. How will you reduce energy usage and water output? What specific actions will you take (e.g., taking X minute showers)? How many meals/times per week will you eat local/organic/grass-fed food? How many days a week will you walk to class? Please revise your goals and add a post to your blog that reflects your new goals. 50/50 points
